It sure felt like you got a great deal on your credit card processing when you signed up, but suddenly you noticed your rates seem higher, you are receiving confusing statements, and it looks like you are paying much more than you thought you would be.
Sadly, this is not uncommon for business owners.
It's not uncommon in payment processing industry for companies to pull bait and switch tactics to get your business. Their advertisements can lead you into believing you are getting a great low rate for your credit card processing. After you sign up and as you review your statements over the first few months, you notice that you are paying much more in fees than you ever expected. Suddenly there are additional fees tacked on that you weren't aware of.
When you are comparison shopping for a credit card processing company to trust, it's important to be an informed consumer. When you understand how rates are structured and where additional fees can be hidden, it arms you with the right questions to ask the provider.
Download our free white paper that outlines (in everyday language) five reasons why your current processor is more expensive than you thought.
We even give you a solution to resolve it!